Hebrews 11:11 Says that Sarah tapped into God’s Faithfulness in order for her to believe for a child even thought she and Abraham were way too old to naturally conceive a child. God is faithful to what he has told us he will do. He is faithful in his word, what he has spoken directly to us, and what true prophets have spoken.
John 11:11 Says that Lazarus had been dead 4 days by the time Jesus got there. He had been told he was very sick but Jesus waited and healed more people before he went to see Lazarus. Everyone was so upset even Jesus weeped at their sorrow. He then call Lazarus to wake up. Jesus could have come and healed Lazarus however many more came to believe when Jesus raised him from the dead.
God wants us to tap into his faithfulness to believe for the impossible. God can resurrect what’s dead in your life, in your family, in your church, in your country if only you will believe.